The Cultured Pearl Association of America Extends Deadline for Entries to 11th Annual International Pearl Design Competition

New York City. Oct. 6, 2020. Due to the coronavirus pandemic, the Cultured Pearl Association of America (CPAA) is extending the deadline for entries to its 11th Annual International Pearl Design Competition (IPDC). The new deadline for entries is Friday, Dec. 18, 2020.
The live judging portion of the contest routinely happens in a restaurant in New York City during the last week of October. However, because of Covid-19, a lack of a vaccine, and concerns surrounding indoor dining, CPAA does not feel it is safe to for judges and staff to meet in person. CPAA is extending the deadline for entries to Friday, Dec. 18, 2020. At that time, CPAA will determine a safe way to conduct live judging. CPAA apologizes if this move interferes with any plans on the part of entrants, but know that the association is concerned about the safety of individuals who participate in live judging.
For information about entering the contest, please click here. To purchase an entry, please click here. A reminder: This year, the cost to enter is $175 for your first two entries! Third entries and beyond (up to five total) are $150 apiece.
2020 REVISED IPDC Timeline at a Glance
Tuesday, June 30, 2020: 2020 IPDC Contest opens
NEW DEADLINE: Friday, Dec. 18, 2020: Entries due
In mid-December, CPAA will assess any citywide Covid-19 restrictions to move forward with the rest of the competition, including live judging.
Questions? Don't hesitate to call CPAA executive director Jen Heebner at 267-481-4120.
CPAA is a nonprofit founded in 1957. The group comprises the finest manufacturers, wholesalers, dealers, and suppliers of cultured pearls in the United States, and its goals are to improve retail marketability of pearls and cultivate demand among consumers. Through promotion, education, public relations, and unwavering commitment to the category, CPAA aims to inspire an authentic passion for all cultured pearl varieties. For more information about becoming a certified pearl expert, please visit To learn more about the Cultured Pearl Association of America, please visit
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